Detect nanometer particles with a UV clean room flashlight?
Did you know that …
- the RIVM – the official Dutch Governmental Institute for Health & Environment – does not qualify emissions smaller than 23 nanometers as emissions;
- petrol emissions range from 0 to 30 nm;
- diesel emissions range from 20 to 70 nm;
- a petrol engine, expressed in numbers, emits far more particles than a diesel engine;
- a catalytic converter operates at extreme heat and particles disintegrate and become smaller and therefore subsequently no longer classified as emissions by the RIVM.
Ultrafine particles enter into our bloodstream and cells, via our breathtaking lungs, disrupting growth. This is hazardous and more damaging than people want to know.
The particles in the photo are many times larger than a nanometer. With a UV clean room flashlight we can visually observe particles with a diameter of up to 10 microns. With a bright grazing light, we can see particles of 5 to 2 microns. 1 micron is 1,000 nanometers.
More information on particle detection by eyesight with a clean room flashlight.
100% clean air, in one take. VWI.
With the patented VWI Cirqulair air filter technology, we capture over 99.999% of all particles with a diameter of 1 nanometer.
Schiphol Airport is filtering UFP with VWI
Our largest airport is now testing an innovative installation to filter air in indoor areas adjacent to runways.

5 different groups of dust
- Group 1 – Big dust, everything bigger than 10 micrometers
- Group 2 – Fine dust smaller than 10 micrometers but bigger than 2,5 micrometers
- Group 3 – MPPS dust smaller than 2,5 micrometers but bigger than 0,1 micrometer
- Group 4 – Ultrafine dust smaller than 0,1 micrometer (100 nanometer) but bigger than 1 nanometer
- Group 5 – Picodust everything smaller than 1 nanometer.
What is the Cirqulair efficiency?
- Group 1: 100%
- Group 2: 100%
- Group 3: 100%
- Group 4: 99.99999997%
- Group 5: above 99%
Group 5 mostly contains gasses like VOC’s, PAK’s, NOx, SOx, NH3, H2S etcetera. Check out the efficiency report here. A Cirqulair unit can be made for any kind of ambient air pollution!
Would you like to become the cleanest airport or reduce your industrial emissions to almost zero? Invite yourself to a demo. Call me via +31 62 00 17 111 or e-mail me via I am Remo Natali and I have a purpose,

Let’s convert particle diameter to particle volume, just for fun. Imagine you have 1 block with a LxWxH of 10 microns. How many blocks would you have with a LxWxH of 1 nanometer? Do not freak out! Yes, 10,000,000,000. Or, to use contract language, ten billion particles. So if I have a particle with a Ø of only 1 micron, and it breaks down into nano particles under the influence of combustion, then a 1 micron particle results in 1 billion nano particles.