Schiphol is filtering UFP
We want to provide employees with a healthy workplace and improve quality of life in the areas adjacent to the airport. That’s why we’re committed to reducing the concentration of ultrafine particles at Schiphol. We’re working hard to make that happen, for example by making Schiphol emission-free in the coming years. We’ve changed our departure procedures at two gates and are conducting a number of studies. But we’re also thinking outside the box, doing experimental research and looking at promising solutions used in other sectors.
Patricia Vitalis, Director of Airport Operations & Aviation Partnerships at Royal Schiphol Group
The airport is testing an innovative installation to filter the air in indoor areas adjacent to the runways.
Read the full press release here.
The Cirqulair will not only filter over 99,999% of al UFP but also – in one take – over 99% of all Volatile Organic Components (VOC) like benzene, formaldehyde and NOx
Would you like to receive more information on the cutting edge VWI Cirqulair air cleaning technology?
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Addendum to the press release
In the opening paragraph, the press release refers to an almost 100% capture of UFP, while in a consecutive paragraph a percentage of 75 is mentioned. The latter percentage is an estimate by Schiphol staff of the ongoing air quality in the firehouse department due to negative impacts.
In this occasion, we have installed a system that ensures an overpressure, so that briefly opening a door or a window has little to no influence on the indoor air quality. Moreover, negative impacts can be overcome by simple modifications in the interior design, policy and procedures.
The current installation is operational at the firehouse department, where vehicles can drive in and out. When huge overhead doors are open for a long period, this obviously will affect air quality in the building.
The Cirqulair itself filters ultra fine dust (UFP) over 99.999% and VOC over 99%. A clean working environment for employees is possible with this cutting edge technology.
Read more about our efficiency here.