Why Clean Air?
I have an intrinsic motivation to provide a healthy environment. In my youth, this was reflected in taking care of my body and practicing sports on a day-to-day basis.
Later in life, as a father, I was confronted with the challenges of parenthood. I studied nutrition in order to give our sons the best I could.

At first, I focussed on our digestive system and the interaction between what we eat and how our body – and mind – responds. Later on, I became aware that everything is nutrition. What we eat, what we drink, the personal care products we use, the people around us and what we read, hear and see. And, last but not least, the air we breathe!
I lost my father at an early age. As an Italian guest worker in the Netherlands, he had one of the lowest rated professions. He was a gas station attendant. People drove by and he filled up their gas tank. With his ‘everlasting’ smile and charm, it was always busy at the gas station.
Twenty years ago, he passed away from RAEB-T; an aggressive form of blood cancer. A terminal disease, within six months, it was. The result of working with benzene*. Like no other, I understand that we have to breathe healthy, pure air, as much as possible. This is my motivation to promote and distribute pure air. With the help of my suppliers, I will make it possible, on every occasion, at every location.
The Germans have an excellent way of saluting: ‘Zum Wohl‘. For years now I am using this small phrase to end my correspondence.
So, let’s get together and improve! Zum Wohl,
Drs. R.L.R. (Remo) Natali